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Specialized Network Applications

DAZEL Output Management System

DAZEL Corporation

The DAZEL product family is comprised of the DAZEL Output Server forSunOS(TM) Solaris(R), HP-UX, IBM AIX and NCR SVR4 platforms; DAZELExpress, a graphical user interface client, which supports Windows 3.1,Windows 95, Windows NT and UNIX Motif platforms; DAZEL SDK forapplication developers; DAZEL MetaWeb publish-and-subscribe model forintranet/internet information management; and DAZEL for R/3, to providereliable management and delivery of SAP R/3 documents. DAZEL's MarketFocus 1. DAZEL provides a robust output management solution forbusiness-critical, client/server applications requiring a high level ofcertainty in delivering and managing application output, at a reasonablecost. Certainty is the assurance of getting the right information, tothe right place, in the right format, every time. The DAZEL OutputServer ensures that application output is tracked and managed withoptimal certainty, at the lowest cost. 2. DAZEL provides a comprehensiveoutput management infrastructure for organizations attempting tocentrally manage and control and unify access to enterprise-wide outputresources and processes. This need is typically predominant in large(and changing) heterogeneous computing environments, comprised of manyplatform operating systems, output destinations, network protocols,application types, and users. The DAZEL vendor-independent approachprovides optimal flexibility and manageability, at the lowest cost.Output Problems Defined 1. System administrators cannot effectivelyCONTROL and MANAGE client/server output resources, processes, andapplication output 2. Users and applications cannot easily ACCESSclient/server output resources 3. Todays client/server infrastructuredoes not provide high volume or reliable DELIVERY of application output4. Users and administrators do not have adequate TRACKING and FEEDBACKThe DAZEL Output Management System The DAZEL Output Management System:1. provides organizations with a unified, comprehensive output managementinfrastructure required for the successful deployment of client/serverapplications. 2. provides centralized management and control of andunified access to printer, fax, pager, e-mail, file server, and Webdestinations in a client/server enterprise. 3. seamlessly integrates withother client/server environments and applications, as well as legacysystems. 4. provides comprehensive end-to-end output management services,unified access interfaces, and destination independence. 5. has a plug-and-play open architecture, that allows easy extensibility andcustomization, through a fully-published API and/or a command lineinterface. 6. consists of seamlessly integrated products: DAZEL OutputServer, DAZEL Express, DAZEL SDK, DAZEL MetaWeb, DAZEL for R/3.

Language: C
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: DCE v1.0.2
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 2.2,2.3,2.4,2.5

DAZEL Corporation
912 Capital of Texas Hwy South 4th Floor
Austin, TX 78746-5210
Phone: 5123067300
Fax: (512) 306-7344